במקור פורסם על ידי
זה לא הגיוני מבחינת תשתית בארץ...
אז כנראה שזה זיוף ? (:
המהירות המקסימאלית כיום היא ה 50 מגה של בזק.. כרגע זה 30 ו ה50 זה MBIT אז זה יוצא בערך 6.3 מגה לשניה
אתה מראה לי מהירות של פי 10 אינטרנט, יענו 500 מגה-ביט

sigh* such a small mind for such a big ego*
- Victory is empty, there are lessons in defeat
- It can be SAFER to travel quicker with TOTAL concentration, than to travel SLOW with NONE at all
- Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly
- The true test of a person is not how much power you have or how many people you can control. It's how many people can trust your integrity and ethics
- As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride
- Take care to get what you like, or you'll be forced to like what you get
- If a guy fucks a different girl every week, he's a legend, but if a girl does the same, she's a slut. In theory = If a key opens
lots of locks, than it's a master key. But if a lock is opened by lots of keys, than it's a shitty lock